1 - For those of us who have little people residing in our homes Kids Craft Weekly is a fantastic resource that I stumbled upon this week. Some printable activities, lots of ideas and even a newsletter. Definitely some motivating ideas there!
2 - I heard this on ABC local radio tonight and it was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Google (what did we do before google!!) it and you can even see the video as well. Seriously, I haven't laughed this much in ages...
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puMz1Q3E000 - sorry but I can't get Blogger to play nice. Hilarious!!
3 - Earlier I posted about my desire to learn a new skill and I want to send out a huge thank you to a wonderful friend who got me started, motivated and definitely 'into' crochet. I've almost finished my first scarflet which I will share once I work out how to do the edging. It's so much faster! and I'm loving the one loop, no dropped stitches, easier frogging - bliss!!
4 - Above mentioned friend also gave my little family some frogs eggs to ?incubate? I have no idea what to call it, anyway, we have fish eggs and they are growing up and starting to wiggle! It's very exciting and so we've been reading/researching and generally just talking about life cycles. I think this is probably what home schooling is like on a very small, teeny tiny scale and I'm loving it. Between the learning, sharing, growing and developing we did on our holidays through to the life cycle of frogs I am thoroughly enjoying my children at the moment. Reading that sentence back it sounds like that concept is a novel one. It's not. But it's taken me a long time to adjust and feel like going with the flow and just taking the lead of the kids is the right thing to be doing.
5 - School went back today. I'm sad. I even asked the young master of the house if he had to go back to school. Reply - "Well yes mum I do have to go back to school.... (pondering)... I have to learn lots of things so I can grown up and know everything... (more pondering)... just like you". What a sweetie!
6 - School went back today. I'm very sad. To say that the other mums at my school aren't very friendly is an understatement and I'm not yet strong enough for this fact to not bother me. I know I'm from the wrong side of the tracks, I know I'm a single mama, I know I don't drive a 4WD tank, I know I don't have the guess handbag but I do have a happy friendly personality and I wish you would notice that. Just once.
7 - As previously mentioned we have a party coming up and it was such a joy to read on the invitation that they would like op-shopped, hand made or hand-me-down gifts. Very refreshing! Of course I had a ball at my local oppy finding lots of pretty, frilly, adorable things that one and three year old girls adore!
8 - The issue of comments was going around the blog world a while back and I've been contemplating this recently. What makes you comment on a blog? or not? If you have your own blog do you have it set to moderate comments before they are posted? why? or why not? I'm not sure why you would invite people to be involved and have input in your blog if you are only going to publish the comments that you like or that agree with you?? I know I'm slack at commenting so for the next week I am going to post on every single blog post that I read. Someone has taken the time to share their craft, stash, life and/or kids lives with me so I'm going to take a moment to tell them that I appreciate it!
Anyway, I'm off to watch Mr Williams again. And have another good chuckle. Again ;-)