I'm embarking on a new fitness regime given that I was feeling fat, frumpy & grumpy with myself. My work pants were getting tighter and tighter (and I even went up a size!!) and I was puffing going up just a few flights of stairs at work so I'm starting on the fairly infamous couch to 5ks running plan. The general idea is that in 8 weeks time I'll be able to run 5 kilometers.
This week is week two for me and today I did day one at the gym and felt really great!! I actually could have run for longer than the program directs me to but I want to succeed so I'm sticking with the schedule. As I'm doing it at the gym, on a treadmill, I can monitor my progress. Today I walked the walking sections at 7km/hr and jogged at 8-8.2km/hr. Over the 30mins of the program I covered 3.55km.
Weight wise I'm now down about 5kg since I started back at the gym just over a month ago which fits with my realistic weight loss goals (0.5gr-1kg per week). Apart from the weight loss I'm enjoying feeling stronger and fitter. I'm doing the weights class at the gym and have put my weights up over the past two weeks and it feels so good to be able to get through the class. Similarly, my cardio fitness is improving and it feels great!!
I'm posting this here as a sort of public pledge - that I will complete the program and will continue on my fitness regime. I'm counting on this blog and my fellow bloggers/readers/commentors to keep my honest and on track!!
7 years ago
Good for you, Bec. That progress is amazing. You know, you're almost inspiring me to get back on to the couch to 5k program.
I'm not do that program, but I have joined a gym and signed up with a personal trainer. Hoping to improve my fitness and shed some kgs also. good luck to you!
Good for you! Yay on the kg's gone too - awesome!
WTG Bec!!!
Dee ♥
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