Firstly - my new mattress arrived **insert happy dance here**. The mattress I've previously been sleeping on is about 16 years old and it had more than served its time. I can't wait to go to bed tonight. Yeah!
Secondly - I had a great visit with a friend who also introduced me to snickerdoodles - yummo! I also faced something that I'd been afraid of for some time now - the full, scary, horrifying sight of the stash. Yep - all those random spotlight & lincraft bags stuffed into the cupboard, the kids santa sack stuffed with yarn and even the secret stashed-under-the-bed box. I am so proud to say that it's now all sorted, bagged and tidy.
Thirdly - Above mentioned friend and I took a trip to Sparty's and Izaak is now fully prepared for his book week parade. The focus book this term is Charlie Cooks Favourite Book. All the kids in his class need to dress up as a character from the book. After much debate we've moved away from the dragon and the little mister will now be a knight...
Fifth & finally - after a big blow up and much venting about things my mum and dad are coming around for dinner. A nice wine, chinese take away and a new bed to go to sleep in - what more could a girl want?
Oh brilliant. What a great day. Aren't snickerdoodles the best? They are a standard in my house now.
Glad you got a new bed and the stash sorted - and you met Olivia! Can't really top a day like that.
Um yeah, those leftover snickerdoodles? Gone. Thanks for an ace day though!
The knight costume looks fabulous! Great pose Izaak. Did the feather on the helmet work?
mmmm snickerdoodles rule!!!
wow that stash looks organised!
Hello, found you!
See you at SnB soon I hope.
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