Friday, October 17, 2008

I know all little people do it.... but.....

I was hoping mine never would.
This morning I woke up and could hear my two little lovelies talking to each other and for a split second thought 'oh this is nice... they aren't fighting...'. They both came in for a cuddle and then I noticed that Charlotte's hair looked a bit strange. Further investigation revealed...

So at 9am we'll be heading off to the hairdresser to see if it is at all possible to some how sort out the crazy mess that her head is now in. Today I'll be moving all the scissors to a higher shelf where she can't reach them although I'm reluctant too because it means that Izaak, who hasn't done anything wrong, can't access them either.

Funnny thing? She's just had her 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 year checks done and the only thing that she isn't doing well at? Yep - scissor skills!


Bells said...

well she went and proved that test wrong didn't she!

I think it's a rite passage. I'm told they all do it!

Georgie said...

I gasped out loud!! I did the same thing, I still remember sitting and doing it. It seemed like such a good idea at the time...

Crazy Mumma said...

oh no!!! Hope you took a photo Mumma ;) Liam took a chunk out of the front of his, got to love it when they want to play hairdressers!