The needles are out, yarn balled up and ready to go... let the Ravelympics begin!
Tonight I'll be casting on the clapotis for Mrs Toone's yet again! and then all things going well, over the next 16 days I'll also complete a pair of fetching mittens and a grocery bag as well. I've got so many things that I want to knit and so little time! I got some Lion Cotton at the Spotlight sale and love this stole so after the olympic knitting and the WIP culling and in between being a mum, student, housekeeper, cook, cleaner and generally super woman I'll cast on for the stole - *insert insane laughter here!*
Who else is signed up? What are your plans?
1 comment:
oooh me me i'm so there - i haven't been able to think about anything else all week!!! - both on account of the ravelympics and the actual olymipics!
I'm aiming to knock over some gifty mittens, and a pair for myself too =)
Can't wait to see how everyone's projects come along...
must get myself out to spotties some time... xo
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