Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New chapters

It feels like there are lots of new chapters in our life/lives at the moment as this little man starts grade three...

He is anxious about going back to school tomorrow and it's times like this that I wish I could take it all away - take away the sleeplessness, take away the yukky feeling in his tummy. I can't though and I've come to accept that ;-( According to our behaviour therapist year three is often make or break and is, statistically, the year that main streaming will either work or it won't. We are hoping that we'll be in the former rather than later camp but only time will tell.

and the little lady starts preschool - seen here meeting "Boris", a friends bearded dragon...

She is *so* ready to start preschool and is eager to learn writing and reading although is somewhat upset that there isn't any homework!! I feel like a whirlwind of emotions with her. I'm sad that she's starting preschool because it's such a developmental step into the 'big kid' world but at the same time I'm loving the little girl that she's becoming. Her temper is there but seems to be simmering rather than exploding these days and I feel closer to her than ever before.

As for me, I'm embarking on new adventures, opening new chapters both professionally and personally. Professionally there is just two weeks until I start my new job which I am thrilled with. Personally, I'm starting to plan our first 'family' weekend away as things go from strength to strength with TOH.


happyspider said...

So much change all at once! Just quietly, I think you're all going to cope really well :)

Lea said...

what a big time for you - it sounds really positive

Michelle said...

I hope last week was good for the littlies, and for you!