Saturday, September 6, 2008

Edgy Edgar Eventually Ended

Just wanted to quickly post the finished product.....
I need to weave in the ends then it's done.I've decided to gift this to Izaak's teacher. I felt bad when 2 weeks ago I gave Mrs Toone her clappy and I had nothing for his classroom teacher so I think this one will fit the bill. Quick piccie, modelled by the boy before I wrap it up ready for tomorrow. I definitely like this pattern and I am thinking an acrylic one for my sister might be good. I don't have crack scales (as a good friend likes to call them!) so I don't know how much yarn I used but I ended up with 11 repeats which is a short scarf/long cravat length. We're going to town so I might duck into Lincraft and grab one of those pins to give her more options to wear it.


Georgie said...

Wow, that's come up beautifully! Im sure Izaak's teacher will love it. What a productive weekend you've had!

Michelle said...

That looks marvellous! Lucky damn teacher!

Have fun at the park today - it's a beautiful day!

happyspider said...

gorgeous scarf and darn cute kid - blogging heaven :)

Bells said...

Good work! Spectacular scarf. How nice to give it to Izaak's teacher.